Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Okay, given it is Men’s Mental Health Week in Australia, let’s talk about this critically important issue not just men, women, everyone. What are we seeing? How are we feeling and what impacts has the pandemic had at the moment? Dr. Deepak Gaur is a Pop Up GP and he joins us in studio. Always great to have an in studio guest. How are you today?
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP.
Good. How are you?
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Going very well. I mean, this is just it’s such an important issue. I know that’s such a cliche, but particularly now, maybe just wrap up what you’ve been seeing with the last 12 months? How are people feeling at the moment do you think?
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
Look I think the fundamental issue is that people have found it very difficult to cope with the uncertainty. And uncertainty affects multiple aspects of people’s lives. Obviously, we know that there are people whose jobs have been changed, whose hours have been changed. We know the effect on small business when they’ve had to close down for periods of time. But it’s also affected relationships, affected you know education of young children, affected obviously people’s ability to travel. And so there’s multiple aspects of people’s lives. And obviously, it’s been a long period of time. And I think the fundamental thing we’re seeing is that people are reacting differently to these changes.
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Yeah right. It’s, there are so many questions that I could ask. In terms of the conversation that you see right now, because we seem to talk a lot more about it. But then you see the numbers that come out. And they still, you know, there’s worrying trends in a way. So what’s the gap that we need to bridge between conversation and then changing I suppose?
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
I think it’s far more socially acceptable to talk about mental health now than it was, say, a decade or two ago. But still, we see that, you know, some people are reluctant to have those conversations. I think that conversations often start at the home with a friend or family member, it might be a parent, it might be an adult child. But I think it’s important to encourage people to go forward and see their General Practitioner and talk about these issues. We have a number of options available to us to treat patients. We have different ways of seeing patients with, for example, telehealth now, and also some of the people we work with such as Psychologists, they’re seeing patients via telehealth as well. So I think it’s important to encourage patients to come forward and when they think they need help.
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Yeah, let’s get on that in just a moment. One final one, just in terms of the general environment, how important do you think it is for people to to lead the way and say, Look, I’m struggling, I’m seeing this person, Psychologist, whatever to be, because people probably don’t often think that, but that can be quite powerful.
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
Yeah, yeah, I think it’s important if you if you can get support from your peer group. It might be from your manager at work. That’s very, very important. And I think having those conversations and that, you know, allowances you may need, whether it’s your personal life, or your professional life is very, very important.
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Yeah, absolutely. So let’s talk more about what you’re up to. And what’s on offer at the moment.
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
So there, there are plans called GP Mental Health Treatment Plans, they’ve been around for several years. And what it enables a patient to do is see a General Practitioner, have a long discussion about their mental health. Usually, I take about 40 to 60 minutes on that. And it’s a very long discussion in detail about what’s happening now, perhaps what’s happened in the past, and think about what options in terms of treatment would be helpful for a patient. We may send someone to a Psychologist, we may send someone to an Occupational Therapist, a Social Worker, perhaps a Psychiatrist. And there’s a (GP Mental Health Treatment) Plan that enables patients to access some of these services, which typically were not available on Medicare, to at least get a Medicare rebate for about 10 consultations a year. They can have an initial (GP Mental Health Treatment) Plan. And then usually one to three months later, they can have a (GP Mental Health Treatment) Review, and they can get more visits. So initially, it’s six visits, then it’s four visits. And right now, I think the Government understands that people are under a lot of duress, so they’ve introduced a sort of bonus number of 10 visits up till the end of June 2022. So these are all plans and strategies to enable patients to essentially treat their mental health. So we hopefully we can improve their symptoms.
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
And so is that outside Medicare as well, that can be anyone?
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
So we can send you to a Psychologist tomorrow through a non Medicare process, but Medicare actually has this process whereby Medicare will subsidise a proportion of visits. So it will subsidise generally six visits for a (GP Mental Health Treatment) Plan, four visits for a (GP Mental Health Treatment) Review. And then another 10 visits as a bonus until 2022.
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Awesome. Just finally, how optimistic are you feeling? I guess, you know, when we talk about Australia that we’re heading in the right direction.
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
Look obviously, we’ve got a very low number of cases. We’ve had a very low number of deaths. Every death is tragic. Our vaccination rate is improving, but it needs to continue to improve. Our vaccination rate is still very, very low overall. Coincidentally, I’m having my second vaccine tomorrow. But I know there are very few people I’ve met so far who are fully vaccinated, including healthcare professionals.
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Interesting. Thank you so much for coming in today. Where can we check out all of your work?
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
You can find my work at
Adrian Franklin, ticker NEWS
Awesome. Thanks again.
Dr. Deepak Gaur, Pop Up GP
Thanks, Adrian.